Dizziness is a common complaint, especially after head and neck trauma but also more common in older adults. It may come from problems in the inner ear, or from disturbances in pathways in the nervous system. The experience can impact your whole world and can often lead to disability or psychological distress.
What can cause dizziness & vertigo?
Your balance mechanism is made up of the fluid canals in your inner ear (the labyrinth), the nerves of the neck, your vision and the overall sense of body position that is supplied by the nerves throughout the body – called ‘proprioception’. When all of these things work well, your balance will be excellent.
When patients report dizziness this is usually from the neck (cervicogenic) or from the inner ear (labyrinth).
The inner ear can malfunction in two main ways:
- infection known as ‘Labyrinthitis’ or
- debris build up of calcium carbonate crystals.
Labyrinthitis, caused by a virus, can cause balance disorders, vertigo, hearing loss and tinnitus. The delicate inner ear labyrinth becomes congested or swollen and the nerve signals sent from the auditory and balance parts of this delicate structure can no longer be relied upon. This results in one or many of these unpleasant symptoms.
With the buildup of ‘ear rocks’ or debris within the ear the most effective type of care is a treatment known as Elpey’s Manoeuvre, which chiropractors can perform with ease. This technique places a client in a position where the debris gathers in a harmless position in the complex inner ear and prevents it from aggravating the sensitive nerve structures of the ear. It takes about 2 minutes to perform and there is a home version that can be supplied to reinforce it if necessary. It is generally comfortable and is highly effective for labyrinth debris build up.
The final type of dizziness is cervicogenic. This is very common and in many ways is a complex problem whereby the joints, muscles and ligaments of the neck lose their normal function and send false nerve information to the brain.
What I Can Do To Help Treat Your Dizziness or Vertigo
For a chiropractor, this is what I deal with everyday with almost every client in some way. Modern use of computers, driving, television, mobile devices, stress and a lack of exercise all play their part in creating restriction and improper motion in the delicate structures of the neck.
The first step to the resolution of these problems is to make time for a consultation where I will perform some simple tests to differentiate which structures are involved. Then we can find a combination of specific maneuvers, spinal manipulation, stretches massage and home exercise to improve your dizziness.
I have exercises to help too. Exercises like the Brandt-Daroff technique have the person sit on the edge of a bed and flop first to one side, back upright, then to the other side at one-minute intervals. Tai chi exercise may also help as slow, controlled movements provide a safe way to focus on your body movements and balance.
I can also discuss your diet and daily habits to pinpoint other potential reasons for vertigo. Tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, and other substances that stimulate or depress the nervous system may become triggers. And non-prescription sleeping pills or antihistamines can spark dizziness.
The Initial Consultation £55.00
The key to the great results I achieve with the hundreds of patients I treat is getting the diagnosis right, therefore, I have dedicated the first two consultations to this.
I am fully insured and registered with the General Chiropractic Council, and most major health insurers including Westfield, Simply Health, AXA and Bupa.

Natural Health Care is My Mission
Same Day Appointments are Available.